Sunday, January 2, 2011

I Should Have Known It Wasn't Nerves

Everything went fine, thank you for the prayers. I had people seek me out and tell me how much they enjoyed the sermon, which says something, I think.

However, I threw up in between services, but thought it was just nerves (never mind that I NEVER throw up from nerves). I prayed that God would help me feel well enough to finish the service, in case it was something besides nerves.

God came through. Within an hour of coming home, I had thrown up again and was feeling chills and shakes.

Looks like I brought the Word...and maybe a touch of stomach flu to BTUMC.

Oh, and I got an honorarium! A very very very generous honorarium, too. I had thought I was doing this out of the goodness of my heart, so didn't expect the honorarium.


Pastor Joelle said...

heh. From your title I thought you were going to say you were pregnant. Glad it went well.

Terri said...

YAY - and nice, the honorarium! That is sign of respect from the pastor and the leadership - awesome!

Wounded and Healing said...

Oh, Joelle! You are just so funny. No, I am not pregnant. Nor am I planning on being pregnant ever again. (: