Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Tuesday Thoughts

Just a few random updates and thoughts:
  • There's been a surprising lack of comments on my past few posts. Are you all busy? Or are my posts simply boring?
  • I preached on Ash Wednesday (it sort of happened by accident, I think. Our worship person put me on the schedule, and when Mac found out, he simply let it stay that way. Nice of him, wasn't it?). Mac was there, so he served as the liturgist and I was the preacher. I think it went well, although I have yet to hear any feedback from him. 
  • Have I mentioned how much I hate the comment "nice sermon" or "enjoyed your sermon"? That tells me NOTHING about how effective the sermon was. 
  • Both Walter and Nora have been sick a lot over the past couple months. I have visited the pediatrician's office SIX TIMES in the past seven weeks. We've had two cases of strep, three ear infections, and a well-child visit. Then last week, Harry got a case of food poisoning. As he was recovering from that, he and the kids came down with colds. His turned into a sinus infection. I have been the only healthy member of the family.
  • I continue to get more involved at BTUMC. I've now been tapped to form and lead the Endowment Committee and accompanying fund. I have no experience doing this sort of thing, but it should be interesting.
  • We're doing Richard Stearns' The Hole in Our Gospel as a church-wide study for Lent. It's a very, very powerful book. I highly recommend it. 
  • I gave up Facebook and Twitter for Lent. It's hard. 
What's up with you?


Unknown said...

In defense of the people who make those seemingly bland comments, they may well feel they are not qualified to be more specific. They're saying they heard you and appreciated your words. Is this a congregation that would give you some sermon feedback in a structured way if you asked? Maybe that is something Mac could help set up for you?

Wounded and Healing said...

Martha, I know that they mean well...it's just frustrating because it doesn't gauge how effective the sermon was. I see your point, though. Mac and I are meeting in the next few days for him to give me feedback, which should help. I have asked a few people the question, "did the sermon speak to you", and received a positive response, which gives me a better idea.